Senin, 28 Juli 2008


No matter what you say about love,
I keep coming back for more,
My head in the fire,
sooner or later I get what i'm asking for
No matter what you say about life,
I learn every time I bleed.
The truth is a stranger
My soul is in danger,
I gotta let my spirit be free to,
Admit that I was wrong and then change my mind.
Sorry but I have to move on and leave you behind.

I can't waste time so give me the moment
I realize nothing's broken
No need to worry about everything I've done
Lived every second like it was my last one.
Don't look back got a new direction
Loved you once, needed protection.
You're still a part of everything I do, you're on my heart just like a tattoo,
Just like a tatto, I'll always have you.

I'm sick of playing all of these games
It's not about taking ties.
When I look in the mirror,
Didn't deliver
It hurt enough to think that I could stop
Admit that I'm wrong and then change my mind.
Sorry but I gotta be strong and leave you behind

I can't waste time so give me the moment
I realize nothing's broken
No need to worry about everything I've done
Lived every second like it was my last one.
Don't look back got a new direction
Loved you once, needed protection
You're still a part of everything I do, you're on my heart just like a tattoo, I'll always have you.

If I live every moment
Won't change any moment
Still a part of me and you.
I will never regret you
Still the memory of you
Marks everything I do.

I can't waste time so give me the moment
I realize nothing's broken
No need to worry about everything I've done
Lived every second like it was my last one
Don't look back got a new direction
Loved you once, needed protection.
You're still a part of everything I do, you're on my heart just like a tattoo.
Just like a tattoo
I'll always have you.

Selasa, 22 Juli 2008

i don't know what it feels like

mulai dari mana ya.....
ehm...tiba2 tadi aku membicarakan masalah yang cukup tidak mengenakkan hati dengan seseorang....
yah...gimana ya...
aku lumayan bingung juga
maunya sih gak pengen ngrepoti...
makanya segala sesuatunya aku coba tuk tangani sendiri
tapi kok buntutnya malah agak2 gak enak ya....
kayaknya ada miss perception disana sini
tapi gak ada yang mencoba untuk mulai jujur satu sama lain
jadinya yo wes...mendem dewe2
gak mari masalahe
padahal dia uda tak anggep sodara sendiri
orang yang bisa tak percaya
tapi lha kok kecentok masalah kayak gini aku yo bingung dewe
enake piye ya????

Senin, 21 Juli 2008

well...well...well....nyari variabel aja susahnya minta ampun

aduh...puyeng juga....
konsep udah kemahalan
awalnya mau ambil serum transferrin...
1 sampel ternyata sekitar 200rb (lha 32 sampel berapa duit? masak perlu jual rumah se..)
setelah itu serum pre albumin..
eh lha kok makin mahal 1 sampel hampir 500ribu
terus ambil penyembuhan luka
jurnal udah didapat...konsep udah asik...
eh...mempengaruhi variabel temen2 sekelompok....
terakhir secretory igA....
blum nanya harga sih..
hiks...hiks...aku ketar ketir
di lab faal gak da disuruh nanya ke prodia....
padahal kerangka konsep udah asik banget
jurnal2 nya terbitan luar negeri dimana menterjemahkannya setengah mati susahnya...
ya Allah....berikan kemudahan....